Doctrinal Beliefs —
We believe in one God, the Father almighty, the maker of heaven and earth.
We Believe
What we believe about God.
We believe that God eternally exists as the One, True, Living, Holy King reigning in three persons of one substance: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory and perfect in every respect. God lovingly created, sustains, and governs all things.
What we believe about Jesus.
We believe that Jesus, the unique Son of God, is truly God and truly man in one Person. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, assumed human flesh, and born of the Virgin Mary. Living a sinless life, He inaugurated God’s Kingdom on earth, proclaimed the good news, atoned for the world’s sin by His death, rose from the dead bodily, ascended into heaven to intercede on behalf of His people and rule at the Father’s right hand. King Jesus will one day visibly return as Judge of the whole world.
What we believe about the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit baptizes believers into the Body of Christ, indwells, convicts, teaches, helps, guides, and comforts them, and sovereignly dispenses gifts to them for the building up of the Body and the bearing of spiritual fruit. He regenerates, empowers, sanctifies, and unifies them for evangelism, ministry, and worship and transforms them into the image of Christ.
What we believe about the Bible.
We believe that the Holy Spirit inspired the Bible’s authors, ensuring that the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments comprise God’s supreme, authoritative revelation to His people and provide the only infallible rule of faith and conduct.
What we believe about sin.
We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice and need salvation. Sin—an inward attitude of rebellion toward God expressed in outward acts of disobedience—originated from the arrogant misuse of God’s good gift of free choice and produces dire cosmic consequences. Sin denies humankind’s essential relatedness to God and seeks to live independently from Him, fracturing humanity’s relationship with Him and resulting in death and eternal separation from God.
What we believe about God's grace.
We believe that, because of His great love and rich mercy, God did not abandon His creation in its sin. Instead, He took the initiative and extended His grace to His creatures by sending His Son to rescue them. All those who receive this gracious gift through faith are made alive in Christ and will enjoy life with Him forever.
What we believe about the church.
We believe that the Church is Christ's Body, a covenant community of God's love with a shared message and mission. God's Spirit equips the Church to worship God, represent Christ, build up His whole Body, and serve one another and the world, providing hope, reconciliation, counsel, and comfort.
What we believe about baptism and communion.
We believe that Jesus gave His Church two ordinances: baptism and communion. Both are occasions for believers to respond to God's grace and encounter His Spirit in a special way; neither is salvific in nature. Baptism symbolizes the washing away of sin, dying and rising to new life in Christ, being born to new life by the Spirit, being welcomed as a child of God into the family of love and faith, and anticipates the eschaton. Communion commemorates a meal of thanksgiving, joy and hope surrounding Jesus' self-sacrificial love; it also anticipates God's great banquet at the end of the age.